Increase in Special Issuance
Deferrals and Applications from 2020 to 2022

0 %

Total Special Issuances
Granted in 2022


Increase in Childhood ADHD
diagnoses in the US from 2003-2011

0 %

For student pilots and experienced pilots alike

Whether you’re just starting out or are an experienced pilot, AeroMed Legal can help you navigate your aeromedical needs. From initial consultations to complex certifications and appeals, discover how AeroMed Legal’s expertise can help you get back in the air quickly and seamlessly.


Assistance that takes your career to the next level

Accordion Content

We offer essential support for pilots and controllers navigating career-threatening health issues, connecting them with top AMEs and guiding them through the certification process efficiently, saving time and costs.

We staff a hotline for pilots facing potential regulatory issues, providing legal advice to prevent missteps, and also post-enforcement assistance with referrals to top aviation attorneys for administrative action or formal NTSB appeals.

We offer Financial assistance for pilots needing costly medical evaluations, providing loans for these expenses, with repayment required upon gaining employment or certification, and forgiveness if medical certification is not obtained.

We connect special issuance pilots with peer pilots for periodic reports and assist in finding representatives to author required reports.


Call or email our team to get prompt answers to your questions, or to arrange a thorough and detailed medical or legal review and consultation.


In the case that a volunteer can’t assist you or we’re unavailable, schedule a meeting with one of our medical review officers or attorneys.


For more complex matters, our medical review officers and attorneys can direct you to trusted doctors or legal experts to better assist you.

Join the Effort

Becoming a pilot today is hard enough. Medical certification shouldn’t be an overwhelming obstacle that discourages individuals from pursuing their dreams. Join us as we transform the process of safeguarding pilots’ careers and passions.